
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most on-campus gatherings have resumed, while others remain online. Some are available as hybrid events, with both online and on-campus participation. Please contact the church office or subscribe to the newsletter for up-to-date information.
There are many opportunities to gather for fun, fellowship, prayer and learning at St. Mary's. For more information, contact the persons noted below through the church directory or call the church office at 907-563-3341.
In fall, winter, and spring, one or more options for Children's and Adult Christian Formation are offered at 9 am each Sunday, except on the first Sunday of the month, when there is a parish breakfast at 9 am. Additional lectures, workshops, and study series may be offered at different times.
The classes are proposed by the congregation and clergy and cover a variety of topics to address spiritual and temporal needs. Please check the current schedule in our weekly e-newsletter for upcoming topics and email Ross McKay if you need more information.
First Sunday Breakfast, 9 am, Waldron Hall (first Sunday of the month)
Third Sunday Lunch, 11:20 am (third Sunday of the month, following the 10 am service - main dishes are provided; you are invited to bring side dishes and desserts)
Choir rehearsal, Sanctuary, 6:15 pm
Alternate Wednesdays, Praise Singers rehearsal, Sanctuary, 7:30 pm
Men's Group, Waldron Hall, 7 am
Bible Explorers, Zoom meeting, 7 pm
Afternoon Bible Study, Cay's Room, 1 pm
Intermittent Events
Bazaar Workshop, selected Saturdays, Waldron Hall, 10 am-2 pm
Women's Book Club, usually fourth Wednesdays, Zoom meeting, 6:30-8 pm
Bible Explorers
Meets Thursdays over Zoom at 7 pm. Each class explores how a Bible story from the week's Sunday readings interacts with our experience of the world and the stories of our lives. Email Rachel Mason for more information.
St. Mary's Women's Book Club
Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at from 6:30 - 8:00 pm to review the book of the month. For more information, please email Sherrie Simmonds.
Thursday Morning Men's Group
Meets Thursdays at 7:00 am in Waldron Hall for coffee and a light breakfast, fellowship and to study God's word. This group talks about their experiences and how they relate to the scripture that is being read. For more information, please email the Rev. Michael Burke.
Bazaar Workshop
The Bazaar Team meets for workshops two to three times a month for 10 months of the year. All are welcome. The workshops are an opportunity to get to know and support one another. The team has projects available for newcomers who would like to join - even if you feel that you are not “crafty”.
Traditionally, the Annual Holiday Bazaar is held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and it is a success due to the very dedicated team of Bazaar Women and Bazaar Dudes, St. Mary’s Youth, the Creative Playschool staff and countless numbers of folks from the St. Mary’s family.
For more information, please email Sherrie Simmonds.