
Children are the heart and soul of the congregation, and their joy, laughter, and probing questions bring God's presence to us while helping us learn and grow in our own faith.
Children of all ages are always welcome in the sanctuary for services. There are activity boxes and coloring sheets available in the narthex for those who would like them.
If they choose, children and youth…
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St. Mary's Youth Groups meet downstairs each Sunday morning from 9-10 am during the school year, except on the first Sunday of the month, when we hold our parish breakfast at 9 am. Youth events are held about once a month - sometimes more often!
Contact the Rev. Israel Portilla-Gómez for more infomation about our youth groups. You can also submit the form linked below to regist…
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We are a group of folks that are bound together by discipleship, service, and community. Most of us are of the age group that remembers playing the original Nintendo when it first came out. There are families with little ones, married couples, and single folks, and things tend to get a little loud and rambunctious. With all that said, we would love for you to join us!

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most on-campus gatherings have resumed, while others remain online. Some are available as hybrid events, with both online and on-campus participation. Please contact the church office or subscribe to the newsletter for up-to-date information.
There are many opportunities to gather for fun, fellowship, prayer and learning at St. Mary's. For m…
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The Thomas Center housing program focuses on promoting healthy senior leadership and living.
The Thomas Center housing community has 14 efficiency, 1-bedroom & 2-bedroom apartments available for rent to Alaskans age 60+.
For more information, you can visit the website for The Thomas Center for Senior Leadership or call for a tour by contacting the General Manager at: 907-538-9995.
St. Mary's Creative Playschool

Since its founding in 1967, St. Mary's Creative Playschool has provided a preschool environment designed to help children ages 3-5 build self-confidence and a positive self-image. We work on developing social skills, fine and gross motor skills, gaining an understanding of the teacher-pupil relationship, and becoming comfortable in a classroom setting away from home. These goals …
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