Who We Are

The ministers of St. Mary’s are all of the people
By virtue of baptism, all are called into ministry in the church and in their daily lives and work. The clergy, vestry, staff, and lay leadership enjoy working together to help all people grow and deepen their relationship with God in Christ Jesus.
The clergy, also known as priests or pastors, help proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through their words and actions. They delight in serving the people with whom they work, and in caring for young and old, strong and weak, rich and poor. Their work includes proclaiming God’s love through preaching, teaching, sharing the Sacraments, representing the Church in the wider community, and various other ministries entrusted to them.
The staff are essential to carrying out our many ministries.
Annie Nilsson

Rachel Morgan

Karl Wilhelmi

Alex Cruver

Seth Eggleston

The Vestry includes twelve elected lay leaders of the congregation, organized by ministry areas. Each vestry member is elected to lead and develop a particular area in ministry and mission that is loving, liberating, and life-giving.
Sandra DeHart-Mayor
Senior Warden
907-563-3341 Brad Sewell
Junior Warden
907-563-3341 Eric Backman
Adult Christian Formation
907-563-3341 Maggie Wilkinson
Caring Ministries
907-563-3341 Amy Gruber
Children's Christian Formation
907-563-3341 Maggie McKay (she/her)
Community Building Ministries
907-563-3341 Tom Nighswander
Early Childhood Ministries
907-563-3341 Cole Barker (she/hers)
Growth and Communications
907-563-3341 Sara Stoops
Outreach Ministries
907-563-3341 Al Alvarez
Stewardship Development
907-563-3341 Charlene Davis
907-563-3341 Tracey Burke
Youth Ministries