Upcoming Youth Group Events

Youth Service Retreat
January 17-18
St. John United Methodist Church
1801 O'Malley Road
Friday night youth from St. Mary's, St. John, and First Presbyterian will gather for pizza, games, and worship. Those who wish to may stay overnight at the church. Saturday morning, youth will share breakfast and a short devotional time before heading out on service projects. There is a sliding-scale cost of $0-$25 per person, and Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and snacks are provided. You can register at the link below; please forward your registration confirmation notices to Rev. Israel.
Click here to sign up for the Youth Service Retreat
Cordova Music Camp, July 13-21
Planning and Q & A meeting
Sunday, January 12
11:30 am
Waldron Hall
The Rev. Belle Mickelson, whose Dancing with the Spirit ministry has been bringing people together though the joy of music for decades, has invited our youth to attend the annual 4H Music Camp in Cordova this summer.
Click here to read more about the music camp
(currently it shows last year's camp information)
Hosting Episcopal Youth from Colorado
June 8-15
This summer, we will be hosting 30 youth and 11 adults from the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado on a YES (Young Episcopalians in Service) service trip to work on our church campus. We are excited to welcome them to Alaska and look forward to getting to know them!
Questions about Middle School or High School Youth Group events? Email Rev. Israel Portilla-Gómez, or text him at 907-313-0096.